Tuesday, 17 June 2014

The morse dilemma

It seems that the only way I am going to improve my morse code skills is to do it. Live. On air.

I have found that my receiving has improved slightly by listening to real life stations on the air rather than using random code generators on the computer. At least by listening to real stations I am going to encounter the type of transmissions that I will be taking part in when I finally do get good enough to go on the air with it.

This is quite a scary prospect, but at the end of the day, if I do transmit and make a bit of a fool of myself, what's the worst that can happen? My pride gets a bit dented.

After all, when you learn to drive you don't do it all in a simulator do you? No, you actually go out on the roads, albeit with a qualified instructor at your side!

I am going to keep practising, keep listening, and I know that if I want to do it enough, I will get there in the end. The hard slog of getting there will be worth it I'm sure.



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